President Thomas S. Monson Quotes

“Brethren, the Lord knows each of us. Do you think for a moment that He who notes the sparrow’s fall would not be mindful of our needs and our service? We simply cannot afford to attribute to the Son of God the same frailties which we find in ourselves.”

– “The Service That Counts,” general conference, October 1989

“Learn what we should learn. Do what we should do. Be what we should be. By so doing, the blessings of heaven will attend. We will know that we do not serve alone. He who notes the sparrow’s fall will, in His own way, acknowledge our service.”

– “To Learn, To Do, To Be,” general conference, April 1992

“When you were confirmed a member of the church, you received the right to the companionship of the Holy Ghost. He can help you make good choices. When challenged or tempted, you do not need to feel alone. Remember that prayer is the passport to spiritual power.”

– “Preparation Brings Blessing,” general conference, April 2010

O fest wie ein Felsen

O fest wie ein Felsen

Manchmal erstrahlt kein Licht am Ende des Tunnels, und kein Morgengrauen folgt dem Dunkel der Nacht. Wir wähnen uns umgeben von Schmerz, weil ein Herz gebrochen ist, von Enttäuschung, weil ein paar Träume geplatzt sind, und von Verzweiflung, weil die Hoffnung...

Geistige Eingebungen

Geistige Eingebungen

Es zeichnet das Leben und den geistlichen Dienst von Thomas S. Monson aus, dass er auf geistige Eingebungen sofort reagiert, und zwar oft genau im richtigen Augenblick. (Jeffrey R. Holland, Der Stern, Oktober 1994.)